My dear family,
First off I want to thank you guys
for your e-mails. I love it when I get lots of e-mails. :) The news and the
pictures always bring a smile to my face. :) Any ways, I'll get to answering
your e-mails now.
Kaz - You didn't write me too much,
but Mom told me a bit more about your scout meeting. It sounds like you guys
will be doing a lot of fun stuff. Make sure you go on all the trips and attend
mutual so you can go out and have some fun now and then! :) Keep up the good
grades and be a good example for the family. Love you bud! Miss you! Never give
up! Never surrender!
Max - 4.0 and #1 in your grade?!
That's awesome Max! I'm glad that you're applying yourself in school. It's good
that you're exercising and staying in shape too. That's something I wish I
could be doing a little bit more of myself. I'm getting just a biiiit pudgy. I
don't have a ton of time to exercise so instead I think I'm just going to try
to eat less. It'll be a challenge because the members get huffy if we don't eat
a lot and the food is sooooo good... well, most of the time... That Halo 4
competition sounded pretty fun too. That's really cool that you did so well in
that and got a prize. We'll have to watch that DVD when I get home and we'll
have to have a couple Halo matches to get my gaming skills back up to speed. ;)
Keep up the good work Max. I know you're history class might be boring and/or
easy, but don't get lazy. If you keep up that 4.0 It will help you in the long
run. You might even get some academic scholarships for it, so keep it up! I
miss you and love you bro! I was the turkey all along!!!!
Dad - Thanks a million for the
pictures! I loved them! Dily sure is growing fast! Did you break your glasses
or something? The ones you are wearing in the pictures look different than the
ones you had when I left. I also really appreciate your notes of encouragement.
They really mean a lot. It's always nice to have a little extra boost for the
week. :) I don't really need anything right now. When Mom sends packages, just
have her stuff them full of treats, pictures and stuff. Less stuff that I have
to carry around would be nice though. I'm going to have to dump off or use up a
bunch of stuff I have because I've got a bit too much junk. I have too much
street clothes especially. I used them in the MTC, but you almost never use
them in the field. It's nice stuff so I don't want to just ditch it, but it's
super expensive to send packages home. There are no flat rate boxes here. :P
Thanks again for all your e-mails, pictures and words of encouragement! I love
you Dad! Never forget to spend time with the family! Small acts of kindness
never go astray!
Mom - Boy, you had a lot of
questions today! That's cool though, I'll just have to write faster. ;) It's
cool you've got another job! Tell me more about that and what it entails. Don't
forget, though, that the Lord comes first and the family second. That hiking
trip for the boys sounds cool! Make sure Max goes! He's supposed to be the one
who likes that kind of stuff any ways. ;) My health is just fine. My feet are I
little sore from all the walking, but it's nothing to worry about. :) We never
did get to taste that Iguana, but I'm not exactly disappointed ;P We have a sister
that washes our normal clothes and we machine wash our garments at our house.
(We live right above a sister who let’s use her washing machine). The machine
is a little old fashioned, but it works and it's much better than hand washing!
I haven't seen Elder Dean since early December. That was the only time that the
whole mission was together. Generally, the younger people are a little more
receptive to our message, but overall it's a pretty good mix. We get
investigators of all ages. I have had a couple dreams here and there with some
Spanish in them, but generally I dream in English still. :P
As far as teaching goes, we've been
trying to find a lot of inactive members and old investigators, but it hasn't
been going too hot. We did find one cool family in an interesting way. We found
their house and they were busy cutting down a tree in their yard so we helped
them out. While using their machete, though, I accidentally broke it. :/ I was
chopping into the tree when half of the machete suddenly went flying off! I'm
going to buy them a new one today to replace the one I broke. Not to worry,
machetes are dirt cheap here. They're only about 4 bucks. Any ways, after we
felled the tree, we ended up teaching them. They were inactive mostly because
they never really gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon. That's key to all
we teach so that's what we're going to focus on with them.
I'm thankful for the many
opportunities to learn and grow on the mission. The mission is no cakewalk, but
it's all worth it. I know this church is true and that we have a living prophet
who guides it. The church that Christ established really has been restored! How
fortunate we are to know what we know and to have the guidance that we do! I
pray that you'll all look for opportunities to share the Gospel with those
around you. If you feel that you don't have what it takes, you are wrong! All
members can and should share the Gospel. Every member a missionary! If you
don't know where to start, start with the missionaries or with the bishop. At
the very least, we can all try to help the members that have fallen away from
the church. Like I said, no act of kindness is wasted.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention the
baptism! It was actually a couple that has been active in the church for about
a year now. The only thing was that they had to wait for a divorce to go
through before they could get married and baptized. We've been working with
them to get everything squared away the past couple weeks and now they're
finally baptized. They wanted the Elder that first taught them to perform the
ordinance so he came from the offices to do it. It was pretty cool and the
service went well. It was awesome to see them finally get baptized. They are
and will continue to be great members.
I think that's about it for the
week. I love all of you and hope that all is well! If I could send hugs and
kisses (look I know that sounds girly, deal with it) through the e-mail I

smiley faces will have to do. The dog doo is something a little extra. :) The
church is true!

Elder Sean Horrocks
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